We are excited to announce that Valerie Etchepare is our CASA spotlight of the week. We asked Valerie a little bit about her experience as a CASA and also asked a couple questions that let us get to know a little more about her. Valerie has truly been a wonderful asset to our organization and we are so lucky to have her. Thank you Valerie for everything you continue to do for CASA!
Why did you
become a CASA?
I have always
wanted to work with children. As we started the adoption process of our
son, I felt a pull to help more kids than I could adopt. I found a blog
post about CASA and researched it and felt it would be a good way to give back
and help kids in the foster care system.
How long have
you been a CASA for? How many cases have you taken?
I have been a
CASA since May 2011. I have worked on 2 CASA cases.
Favorite CASA
story or moment?
This is a hard
question. I have had 2 extraordinary sets of CASA kids. I have been
a part of many sibling visits as on both cases, my sibling groups were split. I think watching my current CASA kids and how they light up when they get
that precious time with their brothers is priceless and my favorite. Watching
my girls grow and heal as they have found their voice and support through my
current CASA case has been amazing. These kids have been through so much
and they have such strength. I am honored to be a part of their journey.
Favorite quote?
“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire
whether or not they are worthy.”
can change the world and make a difference. It is in your hands to make a
- Nelson Mandela
people like you care a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.
It is not.”
- Dr. Suess (The Lorax)
My grandma, she
is one of the strongest ladies I know; and she is honest and funny.
Children’s book?
“Oh the Places
You’ll Go” Dr. Suess
We are lucky to be able to add
Valerie to our long list of amazing and life-changing CASA volunteers! Thanks for all that you have done for so many people,
Valerie, and we know that you will continue to make
a positive influence on many more individuals!

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